Here we are, one day before a presidential election. Something is happening in our nation. People are being stirred to really consider their values and then to play a part in shaping our nation’s future by casting their vote. Considering the two front runners, neither candidate has the character which would make me proud to be an American. But then again, it makes me look inward and realize my own character falls short also. Then I look beyond the character to see which candidate best represents the values that I hold dear. Which one will protect unborn life? Which one will appoint judges to the Supreme Court that I can support? From a medical perspective (which EDS Mamas are constantly thinking about), which candidate will change the downward spiral in our country of insurance premiums and deductibles skyrocketing while actual coverage plummets? As an EDS Mama, it was hard many times to look at life beyond my four walls because it was all I could do to manage life at home. I would encourage you, dear one, to be bold on November 8th, make arrangements if you need to, and get out and vote! Pray before you go and cast your vote for who you believe God would want you to support. Even Paul in Acts 22:25-29 exercised his rights as a Roman citizen. Staying home and not voting should not even be an option. We can cast our vote tomorrow; however, I firmly believe that it is God who works through people. It is He who decides who will be “on the throne.” John 3:27 says, “…A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven.” I am watching as our country stands more and more against the Word of God. Things that God says are deplorable to Him, we embrace and then bring charges against those who refuse to join the masses. I have peace with whichever candidate becomes our next President because I know God has a plan. This earth will pass away, Christ will return, and one day we will all move into the next phase which is eternal. How exciting is that?! God will put into the White House the person He chooses in order to carry out the plans that are His alone. John 3:31 says, “He who comes from above is above all.” Thank goodness!
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October 2020
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